ClipDragon is very simple to use! There are at least eight types of conversions possible by dragging the original document onto ClipDragon or by selecting 窶廚onvert File窶ヲ窶 or 窶廚onvert File As窶ヲ窶 from the File Menu after launching ClipDragon:
Text documents may be converted either way. The type of text file created when
a text clipping is dragged to ClipDragon is determined by user preferences.
Appearance of clipping windows when opened from Finder is also determined by
user preferences.
Picture documents may be converted either way. The type of picture file
created when a picture clipping is dragged to ClipDragon is determined by user
preferences. As in Text clippings, appearance of clipping windows is determined
by user preferences.
Sound documents may be converted either way. This only works between System
7 sound files and sound clippings. Sound clippings, by definition, are unnamed.
ClipDragon assigns the name of the file to the sound when converting to sound
files. While both types of documents play the sound when double-clicked in
Finder, sound files may be installed into the System suitcase while sound
clippings may be dragged into supporting documents (i.e. TexEdit Pro).
Icon folders may be converted to icon clippings. The resulting clipping will
contain either a text comment or picture preview depending on user preferences.
User preferences may be overridden by placing a text or picture document into
the icon folder for display in the resulting clipping file.
As an added feature, if you have the Translation Manager and the correct translators
installed in your system, ClipDragon will automatically create clippings from
supported file types! This process does not convert the original file in place but
produces a new clipping file based on the contents of the file.
Command Key:
Holding the Command key (竚) while dragging a file onto ClipDragon will present the Preference
dialog. All changes to Preference in this manner apply only to the current conversion.
This is the only Hot Key available in an unregistered copy of ClipDragon.
Option Key:
Holding the Option key while dragging a file onto ClipDragon will allow the user to save the
resulting converted file to another location and/or with a different name. The original document
will be left alone in this event.
Shift Key:
Holding the Shift key while dragging a file onto ClipDragon will adjust the file as if it were
converted from it窶冱 converted form. In effect, this will install Clipping preferences into a clipping,
or convert a document into the document creator and type specified in ClipDragon Preferences.
All hot keys may be used together or in any combination! Note that only the Command key will be available to an unregistered copy of ClipDragon.
There is a minor bug in the way MacOS 8 generates clipping files. As a result, some
applications will report 窶徇issing resources窶 (System Error -192) or 窶徙ut of
memory窶 (System Error -255) when you attempt to use clipping files generated by
MacOS 8.
ClipDragon will correct this bug when a bad clipping file is Shift-Dragged (or dragged